/ Simulate, Predict and Improve the Performance
Mechanical and Multiphisical Simulation
The simulation of a Physical System in computational modelling is the basis to innovate your products. Simulation of a system's operation enables it to reduce development costs and achieve maximum performance.
Advanced simulation techniques should be utilized to optimize material use (e.g. generative design, topology optimization), predict performance and life span of the component (e.g. FEM, CFD) and simulate the effects of the manufacturing process.
FEM and CFD Analisys
Mechanical Simulation
Static simulations on single components and large assemblies to determine the tensional state of the components under study. These simulations firstly allow estimating the behaviour of one or the whole system subjected to the different load cases acting. Secondarily, these simulations can have several objectives such as determining the failure of a component, selecting the correct material based on the mechanical response, selecting which of several components is the most critical, selecting which component can be optimized, etc.
Thermo-fluid simulation
2D and 3D fluid dynamics simulations for the study of certain components under the actions of pressurized fluids. This allows us to understand the behaviour and thus the response of the components under external or internal fluid dynamic actions and estimate the mechanical stresses imposed by the fluid dynamic action. It also allows the estimation of parameters such as flow velocity, pressure losses along fluid lines, flow rate along ducts, and all fluid dynamic information of interest.
All this thus allows, where possible, optimization of the component for better temperature management, and in the case of flows in internal ducts, it is possible to optimize the path to reduce fluid-dynamic losses and improve heat transfer where required or favour certain fluidic characteristics that are difficult to achieve with traditional technologies.
Thermo-mechanical analysis
After performing a structural assessment of a potential AM design, there are still several steps to be taken before preparing for actual production.
These include classifying the part according to complexity, consequences of failure, and safety margins; quality control of the 3D model that will be used in the print job; production of the 2D drawings needed for use in the manufacturing process; and creation of a component development plan that describes all operations from concept creation to part acceptance.
Before proceeding in these steps, it is possible to predict the behaviour of the component in the machine a ttratraverso a thermomechanical simulaizone in which the thermal stresses on the component and the deformations to which it might be subjected can be determined. This makes it possible to optimize all subsequent stages of the product such as machining and post-processing.