Frequently Asked Questions
The answer to this question certainly depends on various parameters and needs of the company. One of the most important considerations to keep in mind is what maturity and knowledge you have of the technology, this allows you to position yourself already in a macro area and based on this information you can already identify a certain category of machines.
for more information please check: Education & Training
The choice requires accurate knowledge of the material’s propireties, the limits of the technology, and all information concerning the applicaizon such as: dimensions, operating conditions such as temperature and pressure, physical or optical prorpieties such as transparency, resistance to chemicals or corrosive atmospheres, etc.
Any one of these characteristics may affect the use of one technology or not, or the use of one machine rather than another. This is why we make ourselves available to customers to assist them in making the best choice of material through a careful study of the application.
for more information please check: Technologies & Materials Selection
The benefits that AM can offer are countless, such as reducing lead times, maximizing performance, and improving inventory management. Knowledge of existing technologies and careful study of applications, certainly, can bring, along with informed development, a large increase in the performance of a process.
for more information please check: Strategic & Tailored Consulting
Look at these cases, get inspiration: divergent3d; xev-globall; pix moving
for more information please check: Portfolio Screening & Applications Selection